6 Reasons Why You Should Work At Summer Camp

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6 Reasons Why You Should Work At Summer Camp

Every year, thousands of people from the UK travel across the Atlantic Ocean to work at one of North America’s many summer camps. These don’t come without hardships such as sleepless nights and long days. But those things are nothing compared to the unforgettable and rewarding experience you’ll have at camp.

This year things are looking a little different as Covid-19 has reared its ugly head, but at least we can look forward to future adventures. If you’ve ever thought about applying to work at a summer camp, hopefully, this list will inspire you to try it out in summer 2021!

You get to meet lots of new people

One of the coolest things about camp is how diverse it is. Campers and staff come from all over the world to experience what summer camp is really about. Being exposed to lots of different cultures will expand your horizons and you will learn about the way people live all over the world. Another cool thing is the friendships that form. The friends you make at camp will become some of your closest friends with whom you’ll share lots of laughs and amazing memories.

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It helps to grow your confidence

At camp, you’re thrown into the deep end from the moment you arrive. The idea of working with and leading large groups of kids can be incredibly daunting for some, but it is also immeasurably rewarding. Being thrust into these unfamiliar situations will help to improve your decision making and leadership skills. Transferable skills like these will be beneficial to your everyday life outside of camp too!

You’ll become fit and active

Anyone can hit the gym for an hour a day to get some exercise, but the best way to get fit and active is to sign up for camp! Whether you’re playing football, swimming or paddle boarding on the lake, you’ll be taking part in a variety of activities all day long. The main difference is that these activities are actually fun, so it doesn’t seem like a typical workout at all. Not to mention you’ll probably lose a few pounds just from sweating in the summer heat!

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You’ll develop lots of new skills

Many of the skills you learn at camp aren’t ones that you would typically think of learning in your normal life, but they will benefit you in one way or another. While you might not belay (a variety of techniques climbers use to exert tension on a climbing rope so that a falling climber does not fall very far) your friends at home every day or sail canoes down the river, but it’s good to have them in your arsenal. You never know when you might need them. Plus, who wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who knows how to tie-dye? Better yet, you’ll get to improve upon all the new skills you’ve learned in a fun and inclusive environment – camp!

It allows you to live in nature

Over time, our relationship with the natural world has become increasingly depleted. We are all addicted to our phones and social media, and we as humans are spending less time in the great outdoors than ever. But at camp, you’ll have the chance to live right in the woods, by a lake, most of the time without a phone signal. Being able to live the tech-free life a couple of months is an incredible detox and will make you realise how little you really need your phone. Instead, it lets you focus on embracing nature and appreciate its beauty. Overall, you’ll have a newfound respect for the natural world which teaches us to really care for the environment.

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You’ll create amazing memories

Finally, and perhaps the number one reason to attend camp is the memories that you will make. On a rainy January day, you’ll find yourself pondering into the distance about teaching a group of kids how to shoot a bow and arrow on a blazing hot July afternoon. You’ll find yourself chasing that feeling that you had at camp, where you were your happiest. A feeling that will make you want to go back again and again. A feeling that will make you realise that there is nothing in the world quite like summer camp.