Get To Know Our New President, Anthony Finkelstein

Get To Know Our New President, Anthony Finkelstein

After the departure of our last President, Professor Paul Curran who worked at City University of London for the last 11 years, City has appointed a new President. Professor Anthony Finkelstein joined City in June 2021, and here at Carrot, City News editor Aylin Aliev has taken the opportunity to interview Finkelstein and introduce him to our readers and to those within the university community.

Upcoming Academic Year Jitters

To say that we’re all feeling ‘iffy’ and ‘jittery’ about the upcoming academic year is an understatement and it is comforting to know that even the President understands that many students are feeling more anxious than usual. However, Professor Finkelstein believes that the way to combat the challenges of this coming academic year is to “show a bit of flexibility and resilience” due to the ongoing “uncertainties”. This is understandable most certainly owing to how inconsistent these last two years have been.

Change the Negative to Positive

But, having said that, we should take the uncertainty as a source of enthusiasm and aim to change what seems negative into something incredibly positive – including for both prospective and current students and the academic staff.

Professor Finkelstein believes that, “[Academic staff] are all happy to be back as University is not a proper place without students. Without students in it, it doesn’t feel right”.

This was certainly the case when certain students and I were selected to go back to University back in June 2021 as a ‘mini’ trial to see how University would work if social distancing guidelines were to be reinforced once more when the new academic year begins. However, the emptiness and lifelessness of University left us feeling worried for what is expected of us in the coming weeks – but, rest assured as City, University of London is more than ready to re-adapt to the hustle and bustle of us.

The Secret to the Upcoming Year

As our President puts it, the secret for the coming year will be to “listen to each other, staff and students. The second, will be helping you develop your collective resilience as an institution, and the third will be to be flexible together”.

University Security Blanket

When asked whether he empathises with students who have not yet had the University experience, Finkelstein says: “We all have the same feeling of, ‘Do I belong here? Is this the place for me?” added to the precarious times we live in, it makes for a truly strange experience”.

Finkelstein adds that the University feels “responsible” for your experience.

Clerkenwell and City University

Now to some less serious news. We questioned what Finkelstein’s favourite spots around the area are. He says:  “I love Clerkenwell and it’s excellent market. There are lots of places to eat. I am very lucky to have a place where I can leave my bike and I’ve discovered how easy it is to cycle here with the excellent cycle lanes”. So, foodies and cyclists – City is here to accommodate.

Having Fun

President Finkelstein aims for students to thrive this academic year despite the difficulties that we have all faced. He shares his advice that he would like to give to students and returning staff.

He says: “The most important of things at this moment is to have some fun. Everyone’s had their own challenge, so see each individual different. We have a tremendous opportunity to collectively have some fun in our courses, learning fascinating material and engaging with them.”