A brilliant representation of internal turmoil through the eyes of a young woman.
Category: Arts & Culture
Review: The Half of It
Netflix’s new film The Half of It might just have mastered the perfect balance between the rom com formula and a new take on the genre. Spoilers ahead!
Review: On the Edge of Change by Jennings Couch
On the Edge of Change is the highly-anticipated debut EP from London based singer-songwriter Jennings Couch.
Mellah: ‘Songwriting helps me express parts of myself I don’t understand’
As he releases his latest single, south Londoner Mellah talks to Anna Fox about consumerism, capitalism, and how the true London has died.
The show must go on: Hollywood’s obsession with music biopics
Box office success and universal popularity make biographical films about artists a fascinating prospect for Hollywood, with a host of music biopics in development.
Yann Florio: The power of music and the culinary hierarchy
A couple of months after reaching the finals of Masterchef: The Professionals, private chef and entrepreneur Yann Florio seems to have achieved everything. He talks us through his parallel life in music, and his concerns with the food industry.
Fickle Friends: Indie pop with personality
Fickle Friends are just like your mates - funny, self-deprecating, likely tipsy - except they perform at sold-out festivals. Seven years and one Top 10 album in, they’re just getting started.
Review: If Only I Could Tell You by Hannah Beckerman
“Second novels are notoriously tricky beasts,” writes Hannah Beckerman at the end of her new book, yet she was perfectly able to tame hers.
Review: Sody at the Waiting Room
Sody is a 19-year-old pop singer from West London with a beautifully gentle yet strong voice.
George Pelham: ‘I want to make ’60s music modern’
British-American musician George Pelham talks suits, working on his debut album, and the coronavirus.
Review: Lewis Capaldi at the SSE Wembley Arena
Lewis Capaldi is a comedic musician with a heavenly voice.
Review: Star Trek, Picard
Gene Roddenberry brought to life the fantastic world of Star Trek in 1966. Now, Amazon Prime brings us a follow-up in Star Trek: Picard.